Official Documents

Official Documents

Official Communications

Dismissal Notice - VSNA Vs Chayapathi Gangadharappa Legal Case

Gadigeppa Doddamani Gift Agreement $100K to VSNA

VSNA Vs Hadimani Defamation Case Dismissal & Public Court Documents

VSNA Resolution # 2021-9: $100K to VSNA from Sri Gadigeppa & Prabha Doddamani

VSNA Resolution # 2021-6: Recognition of Integrity & Service to VSNA by Shiva Patil

VSNA Resolution # 2021-5: Revocation of Primary Membership of Mr. Srishail Kumar Hadimani

VSNA Bylaws Voting Legal Case 2020: Certified Declaratory Judgement

VSNA Official Communications sent to members (MailChimp) - Jan 2018 to Jun 2021

Financial Documents

2021 Financial Tax Return

2020 Financial Tax Return

2019 Financial Tax Return

2018 Financial Tax Return

2017 Financial Tax Return

2016 Financial Tax Return

Board Minutes of Meetings

2023 BOD Minutes of Meetings

2022 BOD Minutes of Meetings

2021 BOD Minutes of Meetings

2021 BOR Minutes of Meetings

2020 BOD Minutes of Meetings

2019 BOD Minutes of Meetings

2018 BOD Minutes of Meetings

Member Documents

VSNA Articles of Incorporation

VSNA Bylaws

VSNA Annual Report 2021

VSNA Life Members - 2021

VSNA Welcome Kit For New Members

VSNA Central Officers Orientation

VSNA Chapter Officers Orientation

VSNA Convention Manual

Souvenirs & Newsletters

Souvenir - VSNA 44th Samanvaya Convention 2021

Samanvaya 2022 - News Letter

Samanvaya 2021 - Newsletter

VSNA Forms

VSNA Membership Form 2021 - Word Format

VSNA Membership Form 2021 - PDF Format

Distinguished Professional Award

Outstanding Service Award

Outstanding Youth Award

Outstanding Woman Award