VSNA Main Events 2021

VSNA Main Events 2021

Samanvaya Convention 2021International Basava Jayanti 2021Mahashivaratri All Chapters 2021

Note: Sometimes Images are not visible, please click on the LINK "Watch on YouTube" to watch the VSNA Main Events videos. Select from the captions given below each video.

VSNA Vichara Vedike (V3) Events 2021


Note: Sometimes Images are not visible, please click on the LINK "Watch on YouTube" to watch the V3 event videos. Select from the captions given below each video.

V3#09 Sri Aravinda Jatti - Vachanas in UN Resolution
V3#07 Basava Purana, 01 to 27, Sangayya Swamiji
V3#08 Sri Aravinda Jatti - Message to Youth
V3#05 Desire & Ambition, Dr Sajjan Shiva
V3#06 Kodekal Basaveshwara Life, Sangayya Swamiji
V3#03 Anubhava Goshti - Part 2
V3#04 Vachanakarthi, Praveen Shivashankar
V3#01 Inauguration Dr. Shivamurthy Sharanaru
V3#02 Anubhava Goshti - Part 1